Friday, October 5, 2012

Moreena Baccarin.

Moreena is probably the most underestimated star of the "Homeland" series... Of all the stars she actually has the hardest role of all... Lewis' character is quite obvious by the end of the first season, just as Carrey's. as for her (Moreena) it's bot so obvious for her... It's more complicated, tangled... She's got more ahead... So just you wait for her character to reveal herself. Can you imagine she played that prostitute (companion) on amazing Firefly? Well she's got more drama potential than you could have imagined...

She's not just pretty, but she's also talented to portray what's awaiting her on the way as "Homeland" progresses... The drama is all in here eyes.. Stick to "Homeland" for more...

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