Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Expendables 2.

Stallone is doing just the impossible. Chuck, Arni, Bruce, Dolph, Jean-Claude, Randy - all in one movie. Well that's just crazy! For those of us who were watching them as kids - that's all for all of us :) I'm just waiting for that movie, and I will enjoy the good old fashioned action movie! Sly's doing what no one would try and do in 2012, and he's doing in best way ever (a bit too off, but isn't just like the Artist in 2011?)...

Just when you didn't expect he brought back Rambo and Rocky to us... He brought it with wamrth, thought and soul... That you cannot deny. Then he dared bringing them all together in Expendables, and that was worth every penny! No, wait... Something was missing from the first part... Yeah! It was Chuck and Jean Claude... Now they're all together...

(Who would've remembered Gary Daniels? Sly did! He brought him back, and those of us in former soviet union remember him clearly in those dark "video saloons" that were so popular and unique by the end of 80's and beginning 90's of last century. Damn! I sound so freaking old while I'm only 31...)

Those were good times. Those were the times of Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, and Sly, and Arni, Dolph, Jean-claude, Chuck... Those were the times that he brings back with a BANG! So, if you're just like me, you will certainly enjoy and let Sly earn some good money from that movie. :) I urge you to see it in a movie theatre, do not let his talent be left for a dvd rental :) Let's make it a best movie night ever once it goes worldwide!

Isn't that the way we remember him? First Blood! (pic from www.moviespad.com)

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