Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Prometheus (2012 film) by Ridley Scott.

A short note about that movie. How can an R rated movie collect 50 mln at the boxoffice? That's not all... I think I must share the fact that Prometheus is so incomprehensible and the story is so poor that I'm so freaking amazed by the fact that it could collect so much money in it's first outing. Yet the answer seems simple. Great cast, great viral campaign, great visual effects, and a lot of cash spent on marketing... they really know their job. Mark my words, it'll lose a lot during the second week run... Someone said that it's all about Charlize Theron that account for the good boxoffice run, yet we see "Snowwhite and the Huntsman" falling rapidly and Charlize Theron is the main antagonist in the movie... Moviegoers didn't really do that well for her... Or maybe that's because "Madagascar's Europe's Most Wanted" cut through it. Still Prometheus managed to get a hefty 50 mln with Madagaskar on it's way.

I should write more about, but as I see it: Pooooooooor story, gooooooood visuals, great acting from almost everyone in the main cast (Rapace, Fassbender, Pearce and others), and again pooooooooooor story (just as incomprehensible as Lost series - was that Lindelof writing for Prometheus? Now it's all clear for me)... In a couple of days I'll write more about that grand-scale scam called Prometheus.... Stay with me...

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