Thursday, July 26, 2012


Amazing. It's so good... Nolan's the master! I'll review it a bit later... Most likely gotta see it one more time...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Episodes (two seasons!)

Just got my hands on the second season of Episodes! Can't wait to see it. The first one was just marvelous! The Larger-Than-Life-Joey-Tribiani-Le-Blanc was just Fantastic! So, I've just decided to write something about it, since I'm watching it. By the way I still owe you a review for Iron Lady... Coming up soon. Anyway, if you haven't seen Episodes you gotta try it. It's a rare comedy show that has a unique "brittish" touch to it. You don't see shows like that often... It's a gem.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Shame (2011).

It's hard to define "Shame" in few sentences... Typing the word "resume" and then trying to fit all the emotions in a couple of sentences is a torture. You cannot possibly try and explain "Shame", a movie that tries to explore many human flaws within themselves and outside them. Flaws that define you everyday life, and in your communication, in ways they shield you or you choose them as protection... See... that alone leaves me confused... McQueen's artistic touch to every shot is so carefully planned, so carefully thought of, so beautifully staged, that you may ultimately stay puzzled. "Shame" is one of those movies that make keep you guessing, leave you impressed (or disgusted - you never know people), and it's exactly one of those movies that'll keep your head busy. You'll be drinking coffee, or tea, smoking a cigarette, or lock yourself out, or (if you've got something against sex, and human inability to control urges - we're talking about flaws right?) you'll forget about that movie right away... That's not an easy topic to talk about, and it's even harder to film that kind of a movie...

Steve McQueen has flirted with erotic topics before. One of his first short movies with himself in it (as described by many) keeps viewers guessing about homoerotic relations between two men (Bear 1993). I haven't seen it, but after watching a powerful "Shame" I read about him. I may only guess (of course after watching "Shame" and after reading about him, and his works) that McQueen as an artist and director is a deeply empathetic person, who's fairly deeply interested in human desires, weaknesses, and hypocrisy concerning sex. I'm not to judge or take sides, for it's really not worth it. For it's really one of those movies that is very personal and it's up to you to decide. That specific vulgar topic for some, or beautiful for others is out now, so deal with it, and deal with yourselves. And yet, that movie is not only about sexual addiction, or inability to feel and share your warmth with anyone else, even your sister. "Shame" is about, in my humble ipinion, is how you live and interact with the outer world. It could be about your Ability to feel. Your Ability to share. Your Ability to care. It's about certain amount of responsibility. And perhaps many more... as much as you can see farther. And perhaps I couldn't see that far. Yet I feel moved. I feel shaken. I may not really understand other existential ideas, other layers to characters and their relationships... but I feel moved. 

A scene in a bar with Carrey Mulligan (Sissy - David's Sister) singing "New York, New York" bedazzles me. I literally can't take my eyes of her. A long shot, with Carrey's face looking and singing directly at you, feels like magic. I feel moved. Opening scenes and Fassbender's (David himself) absolutely emotionless face. I feel moved. Fassbender's smile on a date unsettles me. I see a man who's not used to smiling at all. I see a man who's trying hard to be just like everyone else. A scene in a restaurant where David  takes Marianne (Nicole Beharie) for a date seems very regular, but it's unnerving because you know more about David than anyone else, and certainly more than Marianne. That's why you see an increasingly insecure man who really wants to be just like everyone else. He, who really knows his flaws, and once caught by his sister Sissy masturbating in a bathroom, decides to change for the better. And I may use our dear Dr. Houses's expression: "People don't change." It seems that most of the time, the most troubled of us, fully, or in many ways, see our own insecurities, and may even understand reasons behind it, and try, try, to get out of it. Give it up, and just once be fine or regular. Just like David, he who purely depends on physical, really tries to open his soul. But that's beyond what he can. After trying a notch, he dives deep into the ocean of his true self. He can't change. He's afraid. It's too much for him.

Sissy is too much for him. He loves her so much, that he'd rather give her up and forget her, rather than live with her and see her trying to kill herself, once again. She's just too much for him, and her emotions, her inability to control and her overall dependence upon anyone she meets, or has sex with. Sissy is right there, in his room, crying for help, crying for understanding, she knows that she'll do it again, over and over. She'll cut herself and she truly believes that her older brother may take care of her. Must take care of her. In some way for David she's a disaster. She's a hurricane that makes him think he can give it all up with a single push. He once believes that if he simply wants it, he'll do it. He'll give it up. As said above - he can't. David locked himself up in his comfort zone, and he can't take care of her (which can be seen in one of the last scene in the movie). He can take care of himself only because he locked himself up in physical emotionless sex. Sissy wants to open him up and she needs to be cared about, yet she doesn't realize how vulnerable her brother is once he opens up.

From beginning to end it's an exploration of human soul. McQueen's cinematography, directing, and writing is great. Once I finished it, I felt like he really knows what he's doing. Not only in terms of the artistic touch to every scene, but also in terms of the essence of the movie. He seemed very clear about that. "Shame" has it's drama, a real life drama. It's got what makes a great picture that's been painted for a long time by a painter. Every detail is worked hard upon. Nothing is left unnoticed. Everything is perfectly balanced. Fassbender and Mulligan, soundtrack and cinematography, dialogues and behaviour. 

I suggest you watch it. It may really not matter that the movie is about sex, or it may really matter that it's about sex. What may matter to you, is that you may want to spend a few extra minutes alone to think over. Think about your own self and what keeps you going. Although we're in effect all quite selfish, I think there's no harm in spending just a few more minutes in the company of you.

A few words about Fassbender and Mulligan. Fassbender is so humble and powerful. He'll keep your heart pumping and your mind swirling around. Just watch the movie and see how he acts as David. You'll see David's sad artificial smile, he despair, his love, his rage, his insecurity, and perhaps even many more... It's not that you'll definitely see it, but in many scenes you'll feel it. Carrey Mulligan is great, especially in that single scene where she sings. It seems that every scene she acted here is important and she was equally as great as Fassbender. It's rare that just two actors can make a great movie (there are of course exceptions), and it's rare to make a movie with just two of them. McQueen was resourcefull in making that work. The three of them (Fassbender, Mulligan, and McQueen) made even silence speak, and in half the movie it was more important than dialogue.

Script is great. Cinematography is great. Directing is great. Acting is great. Watch it. Spend some time exploring your inner self. Even if Dr. House thinks people don't change, you may have a better understaning of yourself or people around you. (But don't just think it's all about sex)  :)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Spread the Word! (of mouth...)

I've just watched a 13-minute feature about DKR (click to check it out).It looks fantastic! Looks like we're really about to enjoy something epic... Well, at least that's how it looks to me. Since I'm a die-hard fan it looks like I'm the one who's supposed to create buzz around it. (and many more people like me...). Still, I'm doing it. We should really enjoy it. The only pity thing is it's coming out here on July 26, instead of July 20 as it does in US.

The other thing I just watched is a trailer for Alex Cross. It also looks good, well at least for a change we're going to see Matthew Fox in a complete change of character and amplua. He's going to be that sick maniac we love in movies like this. At least from the trailer we get it... As for Tyler Perry, - I haven't seen him in his "Mrs. Madea" movies, well at least that a good change for him too. Lots of changes, new twists for those characters, pure joy. Happy for Matthew, for it's good for him to avoid typecasts and cliches... Doesn't he look sick to you? (click again :) )

Update. By the way, I haven't read the book on which it's based, but I hope it will be much more intriguing, with fine plot twists and turns. The director is known for Fast and Furious, and XXX, that are... let's say nothing but action movies you can really watch just once, and then forget about it. (Fast and Furious is only saved by Vin Diesel, who's charismatic enough to make that movie watchable...)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

"Реальные пацаны"... Досмотрел третий сезон, и ни капли не пожалел...

Ребята, я временами просто хохотал до упаду. Все мои самые худшие опасение полностью не оправдались и я несомненно этому рад. Возможная проблема, о которой я писал ранее, о той самой "ситуационности" не сбылась. Скажем так, ситуации, запутанность и все проблемы в которые попадали наши герои были, но были сыграны, разыграны, и прописаны просто замечательно. Во втором сезоне, была некоторая усталость от любовного треугольника Валя-Эдик-Маша, но потом это все искупилось резкой сменой поведения того же Эдика. Эдик сам конечно тоже несколько раздражал своими "слюнями-соплями" и я рад что потом Эдик все-таки решил отомстить Вале тем, что захотел завоевать ее и бросить.... Смотрелось конечно забавно.

В третьем сезоне чувствовалось, что те же персонажи Валя-Эдик-Маша были лишними... Ведь вроде как все пошло в сторону "Иваныча" и развития его сюжетной линии, и они смотрелись как бы сказать мягче "не в тему". Но и тут же они быстро сориентировались и немного отошли от этого любовного треугольника и с блеском закончили линию противоборства "пермского края" против "московского мажора". В третьем сезоне прям несколько серий можно назвать прямо самыми лучшими из всего... Например, 20 серия третьего сезона, когда ребята проснулись после пьянки в духе "мальчишника в вегасе" и "чувак, где моя тачка?". Блестящая серия с Анной Семенович и шиншиловой шубой. Надо сказать, что Семенович приятно удивила своей игрой. Здорово сыграла саму себя. Серия с братьями Запашными, тигром, и лесом шикарна! Тот же Ознобихин как всегда здорово сыграл во многих сериях.

В целом можно сказать, что во втором и третьем сезоне явно видно что ребята вдохновлялись западными сюжетными линиями и фильмами. Но здесь нет глупой "копирки", здесь больше идет именно, как это говорит один из моих любимых критиков Алекс Экслер, заимствование, цитирование. И сделано это все очень здорово!

Лера к сожалению отошла на второй план, возможно ввиду своей беременности. Очень жаль конечно, что и Армен и Мама Коляна отошли на второй план. Может быть им надо было отдать больше времени, вместо любовного треугольника Валя-Эдик-Маша. Хотя конечно в какой-то мере кажется, что им важно было закончить как-то этот любовный треугольник, чтобы совсем уж натянуто все не смотрелось. Колян как всегда блещет. Вован и Антоха не потеряли самих себя и были в своем самом лучшем исполнении. Опять же в третьем сезоне линия Базанов-Иванчук не была самой лучшей, но и здесь чувствуется стиль создателей и сценаристов: надо поставить и в этих отношениях точку. И сделали они это довольно-таки неплохо.

Цитировать их речь и диалоги возможно не имеет никакого смысла, так как лучше всего это смотреть!!! Я хочу заметить, что судя по всему действительно сериал не всем нравится, по разным причинам: от сленга до формата псевдо-журналистики. И тем не менее те хохмы, которыми напичкан сериал, просто искрят от начала до конца. Я все-таки буду и дальше его рекомендовать, и буду ждать 4 сезона. Возможно 4 сезон уже идет по ТНТ, надо изучить этот вопрос. На российском телевизионном рынке - (я скромно считаю) это один из лучших комедийных сериалов.

(Сажусь на "Универ: Новая Общага", полгода назад посмотрел несколько серий первого сезона, было смешно. А мне очень нужен юмор, в жизни хватает стресса, надо как-то его снимать...)

P.S. Забыл отметить также отца Коляна. Прекрасная роль. Пока канючили с любовным треугольником, Наумов старший зажигал, и заметно разбавил "старых" персонажей своими выходками... (включая тот факт, что ушел в монастырь...)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Iron Lady (2011) and Shame (2011).

Two very fine movies I watched this weekend. "Iron Lady" is a very fine film with magnificent performances by Meryl Streep and Jim Broadbent. In fact, it's hard to say that they are performing. Both Meryl Streep and Jim Broadbent are living their characters, they are in fact The Iron Lady and her husband... They make the movie much more than the story re-told by Phyllida Lloyd. There are certain weaknesses that I'd like to discuss in my review, but it's even hard to call them weaknesses as it might seem to many... It's just that Phyllida Llloyd took a different approach to a biopic, and her focus wasn't politics... It's something different... It looks like a tragedy of a lonely woman, rather than a story of a Die-Hard politician who shook up not only Brittain, but also the whole world...

As for the "Shame" that's something really special. It's a powerful artistic piece that is far mor thought-provoking, and requires a better discussion. Certainly I know that there's been a lot of that long before me, say in 2011? :) Nevertheless... I assume that if you really want to be reminded of and appreciate your "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short" life you gotta watch it. Although "Shame" explores a completely different topic, it provokes the same emotions when I watch "Children of Men." Steve McQueen doesn't seem to insist on anything, but rather explore certain qualities, emotions, and his main characters tell us how powerful can a simple smile be. McQueens style is fantastic! Michael Fassbender and Carey Mulligan are extremely engaging! The scene where Mulligan sings "New York, New York" is so dazzling that you can't take your eyes of her and of screen... Long-shots in movies are rare, but must be used carefully. Not many directors do it, and/or have the ability to attach you to a screen for that long... In "Shame" Carey Mulligan  will take your breath away with her singing...

Both directors manage to control their premise, and their ideas. One of them is the idea of what really matters in life. Yet, both movies are different, and there's no way I'm trying to compare them. It's just that both seem to come across your emotions, devotions, and a destructive force of loneliness...

I'll start with an "Iron Lady" which I see as a tragedy of a lonely old woman (it somehow feels less about a politician, more about a woman), and afterwards I'll talk about "Shame" that tries in an artistic form to explore human beings (you really gotta smile more, because after watching that movie you may as well sing "Help!" by The Beatles). If I rephrase that classic song I may say that you may really need somebody to help you, before you're left alone...