Friday, February 1, 2013

Movies I'm looking forward to watch so far this year.

It's been quite a while since I wrote here... Nevertheless I guess it's time to come back with a full swing. I just got my hands on a few new movie trailers and I'm going to write about 'em purely based upon them. Yeah, I know that it's quite daunting and tricky, yet I guess that trailers are a key decision-making factor for movie-goers. Let's roll!

Emperor coming out March 8 is probably most intriguing movie coming out in spring. "Inspired by true events" confuses me greatly. How do you make a movie on one of the most important decisions made at the end of the WW2 and the end of war for the Pacific between US and Japan and make a statement like that? It's not that easy. Keeping Japanese Emperor alive is one of the most multi-layered and complex decisions made as opposed to the simplest possible one of hanging him. You can't downplay the importance of it by stating inspired by true events... After all US didn't hesitate hanging Saddam, but it was a different issue anyway.

Several things standout as rays of hope that it won't be another "american bravado war movie." First, we've got Tommy Lee Jones as Gen. MacArthur. And those who know Mr. Jones know that he can easily be Gen. MacArthur. In a movie trailer you can see that he's doing it great job. Second, we've got Peter Webber at the helm. If it doesn't ring a bell with you he is the one who made this beautifully thoughtful Girl with a Pearl Earring. It's one of those movies where Scarlett Johansson looked a decent actress before she became a star. I guess it was powerful due to the fact that more than half the movie no one talked (was it why Johansson looked like a good actress?) and as a movie about an artist it had mesmerizing cinematography. Third, let's keep an eye on Matthew Fox who is trying to become a bit versatile. I bet he's got that fine actor's streak or at least he's trying. Can't give up on that either! At least that's what he tried to do in Alex Cross (haven't seen it, but heard it's awful... And yes, I did like Alex Cross trailer and did like what Fox did in that trailer). Let's cross our fingers and hope for some historical accuracy in Emperor. I'm definitely watching it.

Upside down. Nice romantic trailer, some mind-blowing visuals (though perhaps inspired by Inception), Jim Sturgess who always plays one and the same guy (just as Statham does) in every movie starting from Across the Universe up until Cloud Atlas, and most importantly Kirsten Dunst whom I like a lot. I mean she started out magnificently in Interview with a Vampire, and then I can't recall any of her memorable roles. Although it's unjustified of me saying so, I haven't seen Virgin Suicides, Marie Antoinette and Melancholia where she had notable roles. But she certainly had more low key melodramas and spidermen in her career.

Anyway I bet it's worth watching her and if you like visuals you may go and watch it. I will. Most certainly: story will suck and be very superficial. Yet, it's a nice movie for a date or a night out with your wife to remind you of how you fell in love in the first place (that's in case if you've got some strength to show some sensitivity) ;).

Olympus Has Fallen. This one is a fun watch! It's hilarious! Just watch a trailer! Someone who looks asian attacks The White House, takes US (why white?) President hostage and demands 100 trillion billion million US dollars!!! (Ok that's just my guess, 'cause I couldn't quite figure out what they really want). And they've got the only best hope inside - a secret service guy who was fired, but somehow appears there during the attack! And it's so f**king serious! They've got Gerard Butler, Angela Basset, Aaron Eckhart, and (guess who!) Morgan Freeman! And as I could see from the trailer they are very serious about it! Nobody's laughing, smirking, or singing Yippee-Ki-Yay Motherf***er! It's John McClane all over again! But if McClane's hostage situation was a bit realistic, John himself and others were fun. Here we've got somewhat hysterically fun hostage situation, but everyone is too damn serious about it. Oh wait, it's US President I'm talking about, it has to be serious.

So in my humble opinion it's worth watching exactly because it's ridiculous. For the whole world to laugh about it, but I guess it's an ok movie for US where there's certainly a fine market and audience for Olympus Has Fallen. Hey, what am I talking about? Air Force One did well in US! I truly hope that it was due to scene-stealer Gary Oldman. Buy lots of beer, rent it, and watch it. It's gonna get even better once you invite your friends to share few laughs.

The Sweeney. Ray Winstone is the lead actor. He is charismatic and powerful. Just after a few seconds you realize you gotta respect him and his fellow cops, if you don't, they make you. It's a promising rough ride for you. Of course, it's cliche all over it: a fine cop, who's not afraid of getting his hands dirty to get things done bringing bad guys to justice. He falls victim to his own methods and gets removed from force. He's not happy about it, but takes law in his own hands and hunts down the bad guy anyway. He knows a guy is guilty of horrible crimes, so he goes vigilante! That's the trailer story. Perhaps it's too simple. Did Bruce Wayne cross your mind? No, of course not. Mr. Winstone is not that handsome, sexy, and doesn't have much money, that's why he uses a cheaper revolver to resolve his issues. And Batman had a completely different story.

Nevertheless, it's a promising thrill ride. And it may not be as obvious as it seems from a trailer. Mr. Winstone is, as I said, a very powerful actor. Many british films tend to take on repeated ideas and make them, well, still different... And that one can be a pleasure to watch.

I didn't waste your time! I hope... Enjoy these movies very soon!i

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