Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Game of Thrones. S2.

Stannis Baratheon by Stephen Dillane
Watching Game of Thrones season 2. Everything is great about the show. I'm enjoying every bit of it. Great casting. New characters are impressive. Stannis is just like he's in the book, cold, not a talker, but doer, and Stephen Dillane does great depicting him. Can't stop watching, it the third episode already. Will miss it once it's over, but will wait eagerly for a third season.

It's good that the creators were able to secure with the HBO. It's a pity that Potter's movies were just 2 hours short. As the book series progressed and became much more complex it was harder and harder to put it in a cinema. The only good decision they made (commercially motivated though) is to break up the final book into two movies.

George R.R. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire is huge. It's complex, it's hard to put into a two hour movie. That's why I think HBO made the best decision in their lives for us, the fans. :) Big books should be made into stories like this - 10 episodes, each 50 minutes. This way you don't cut much from the book, and have the ability to explore more than just story. You explore the characters. 

I've finished four books, now I'm reading Dance with the Dragons. I've never enjoyed reading so much recently. Nothing really excites me. But once I saw the Game of Thrones I started reading the books. And I remembered what was reading all about. Last time I got excited reading Chingiz Aitmatov's books - A day last longer than a century.Author's imagination has no boundaries. Martin is very cruel, especially when it comes to characters that you like. He kills them off and you feel screaming: "What the hell are you doing? How could you do that?????"

Brienne of Tarth by Gwendoline Christie
The only thing about Game of Thrones is that in season two Brienne of Tarth is no ugly. She is quite pretty actually. And that ruins it all.Gwendoline Christe is too nice for that role.

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