Friday, April 13, 2012

Thoughts about Cameron's movies.

Cameron's Titanic is released in 3D this year, and to tell you the truth I'm going to watch it with my wife. To tell you the truth I haven't seen it until last year. I mean I tried to watch it several times, fell asleep every single time, and only once watched the ending, when everything went mad and people sank, and the ship cracked in half. Last year, I finally made it. I watched the whole movie beginning to end. It left me dazzled and confused. I realized that the story is a fairy tale of "pure" and utopian love story on board of a ship. But don't get turned off, I actually have more positive ideas to say than negative :)

Aren't all his stories simple, wrapped up in best visual effects of all time at the time of release? Yes, they are. Terminator (both), Aliens, Titanic, Avatar. The king of the box-office, genre maker, star creator and many more keeps his stories simple, almost childish. They are dreams that once we had, but forgot when we grew up. What is Titanic? Candy-sweet love story of a pauper and upper class lady. What is Avatar? Protector of the environment and inhabitat. What is Terminator? A story of robots and cyborgs and future.

But wait. Didn't we all dream once teens that we'll die for the one we love? Didn't we all dream that we would give up everything to protect a place we came to love? Didn't we all dream that one day we may realize that we are more than we seem and we are more important then everybody else? Didn't we all dream that someone will come from the future and tell you - you are the One, you'll save us all and you are in danger. :)

And that's exactly what is great about it. The simple stories that let us re-live dreams long forgotten. Just as I heard one radio talk show comment about two years ago about sports. It went something like this: "What is sports? Why do we really care about winning and losing? Why would people care about it, if they were not participants of either side in any case? And I'll tell you why. It all about the simplest emotions. It's all about feeling and bursting with pride or grief if your team is losing.  That can no one take away from you. It would seem that you shouldn't care about it, but yet, it's what people do. They laugh and cry, scream and curse, jump and run, shock everyone around with high emotions and get shocked if their team loses. It's all about the emotions."

A 15 year old boy desperately in love would give up his life just like Jack died for Rose. Because he knows (egoist though) that she won't betray his love and carry on his image through years, even though she might marry. Many boys and girls know that they are so special that one day they may even save humanity from their ownselves and their creatures like cyborgs, or from the ravenous desire to suck all the Earth resources and other ecosystems. You are that very teen that Schwarzenegger once held out his hand to and said: "Come with me, if you wanna live." In all that futuristic world where "greed is still good", you are Ripley and Nute at the same time who defy (paraphrasing Dostoevsky) "all the world's riches because they are not worth a child's tear." (Well although we know that it was much more insired by "Starship Troopers" army of the future, than Nute who's an important, but not principal character to the story.) 

So, all in all it's just like sports. It's all about the emotions that we buried long time ago and forgot, but once we see all that - we re-live. We are family people, we have kids, wifes, husbands, obligations, "we do not indulge ourselves exactly because we are adults" (c) Dr. James Wilson from House M.D., we do not fight, we do not risk our lives. But once we decide to go to Titanic 3D we know deep down inside we are that simple Jack blinded by love, who doesn't want to die, but dies. We are Rose for whom Jack gave up his life so she could carry on. 

Many critics, especially in Russia, don't like Avatar and SHAME on THEM! For they will never protect a Tree! For they are senseless and empty trunks of a dead tree :) As for those who like let's revamp those tiny hidden dreams we had when we were 13. :)

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